Bible Text: Luke 13:10-17. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: Saving a Fallen World. | The right use of the Sabbath.
Bible Text: 1 Kings 19:19-21. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: The Ministry of Elijah Ministering at the Worst of Times! | The Lord has everything planned and he isn't…
Bible Text: Luke 12:49-13:9. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: Saving a Fallen World. | Why Jesus coming to judge the world should shape our thinking and actions now!
Bible Text: 1 Kings 19:1-18. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: The Ministry of Elijah Ministering at the Worst of Times! | How God helps Elijah overcome a lack of…
Bible Text: Luke 12:35-48. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: Saving a Fallen World. | How living in the light of Jesus' return makes all the differance.
Bible Text: Zechariah 13:7-9. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: Easter Series 2020 | The sin bearing Good Shepherd!
Bible Text: Zechariah 13:1-6. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: Easter Series 2020 | God's remedy for our sin.
Bible Text: Zechariah 12:10-14. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: Easter Series 2020 | God takes action! What should be our response?
Bible Text: 1 Kings 18: 16-46. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: The Ministry of Elijah Ministering at the Worst of Times! | True religion vs false religion!
Bible Text: Luke 12:22-34. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: Saving a Fallen World. | Gaining true treasure!