Bible Text: Luke 11:14-28. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: Saving a Fallen World. | Jesus' rebuke to those who doubted Him.
Bible Text: Judges 17:1-18:31. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: In Dark and Desperate Times God is still at Work! | Confusion in the family, worship and society!
Bible Text: Luke 11:1-13. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: Saving a Fallen World. | Intensity and persistence in prayer.
Bible Text: Judges 16:23-31. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: In Dark and Desperate Times God is still at Work! | How do we sum up Samson?
Bible Text: Luke 10:38-42. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: Saving a Fallen World. | How God's Word should motivate everything we do!
Bible Text: Judges 16:1-22. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: In Dark and Desperate Times God is still at Work! | How Samson fails to lean from his mistakes!
Bible Text: Luke 10:25-37. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: Saving a Fallen World. | Jesus takes a 'Teacher of the Law' to school!
Bible Text: Judges 15. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: In Dark and Desperate Times God is still at Work! | Samson: Maverick, misguided or servant of the Lord?
Bible Text: Luke 10:17-24. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: Saving a Fallen World. | What the preaching of the Gospel can produce.
Preacher: Keith Plant | A look at the history of the writers and the music and content of the hymns.