Bible Text: Matthew 8:18-34. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: The King and His Kingdom. What is Matthew's intentions in recording these events?
Bible Text: 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: Standing Firm | Reasons to rejoice in the midst of suffering.
Bible Text: Matthew 8:1-17. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: The King and His Kingdom. Understanding how Christ healing ministry links with the rest of his ministry.
Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 12:1-10. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: Blessings in Brokenness. | God's grace compensates for Paul's weakness.
Bible Text: Matthew 7:15-29. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: The King and His Kingdom. | The identikit of a false prophet and the wisdom of listening to Jesus's words.
Finding an impression of Christ in a Psalm without a happy ending!
Bible Text: 2 Kings 4:1-7. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: Blessings in Brokenness. | Faithful desperation is graciously rewarded!
Bible Text: Matthew 7:1-14. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: The King and His Kingdom. | Taking the right and realistic approach in our dealings with people by seeking the…
Bible Text: Joshua 14:6-15. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: Blessings in Brokenness. Caleb's confidence in God to fulfil his promise.
Bible Text: Matthew 6:19-34. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: The King and His Kingdom. The mind-set that should be a natural part of the Christian life,