How we pray and witness and why it matters.
David may be a great warrior, but he looks to the Lord when he goes to war!
Wrestling in pray. A forgotten Christian discipline!
How Jesus prays a prayer of obedience.
Bible Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: A Prayer Book Advent 2019. | A Christians priorities in living for God.
Bible Text: Nehemiah 6:1-7:3. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: A Spiritual Rebuild. Keeping focused on God's purposes in the face of distracting and duplicitous opposition!
Bible Text: Nehemiah 4 | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: A Spiritual Rebuild. How Nehemiah's foundation of scripture, prayer and practical action proved to be very effective!
Bible Text: Nehemiah 2:11-3:32. | Preacher: Keith Plant | Series: A Spiritual Rebuild. Spiritually practical action.